Expert Airbnb Party Cleaning Process

Large-scale parties should definitely be avoided, but having smaller gatherings arranged can be quite a breath of fresh air after staying in for so long. Airbnb owners understand the solace that their short-term rental property can hold for adults who are looking to get together after being separated for so long.

However, there can be quite a mess left as an aftermath of the Airbnb party. A dirty room can ruin the first impression of the next few occupants, so call in a quick fix! Cleaners should be able to get back the Airbnb in spick and span condition in no time. Here’s a guide about how a professional can clean after the party:

Picking Up Broken Glass

There’s likely to be a few alcohol bottles brought to the place, though your guests probably didn’t plan or anticipate breaking them. Regardless, broken glass can be quite tough to deal with as the shards can be hard to see. It’s even tougher if the floor that the glass was broken on is carpeted. 

Expert cleaners understand how to thoroughly clear an area of those shards that can injure you. Take reassurance in the fact that they already have the personal equipment needed to remove broken glass, such as protective rubber gloves and a trash bag.

Removing Liquor Stains

Speaking of alcohol, there’s bound to be a stain or two from the spilled drinks. Although white sheets, pillowcases, and surfaces can make the property look elegant, they are prone to getting permanent tints that can ruin the place.

Feel free to count on an expert cleaner though, as they can bring different stain removal solutions to deal with the discoloration. Whether it was the residue of wine or excess beer, there’d be no need to worry about the appearance or smell of such liquor stains.

Throwing Away the Clutter

Having even just one occupant over at the Airbnb can already bring forth a lot of clutter. Aside from the empty bottles of liquor, there are also the containers for the food that they’ve brought to the place and the trash bid being filled to the brim.

Expert cleaners will be able to remove all the clutter and make the place look as good as new. You can also trust them with the task of restocking the kitchen and bathroom to get the place ready for the next set of renters.

Disinfecting the Airbnb

The last part of the process is disinfecting the Airbnb. As seen during the pandemic, viruses and bacteria can get out of hand, even more so in a filthy environment. Getting expert cleaners to freshen up the place and provide high-quality cleaning can help in disinfecting the place.

The cleaning process bodes well for your Airbnb itself too, as guests who check in would feel secure about the look and feel of the place. Plus, since you’re hiring a professional to do so, you still get to keep some time and energy to yourself.


Look forward to five-star reviews in the future if you have experts cleaning, managing, and maintaining your Airbnb after every checkout. The investment is worth it as you make customers feel safer and keep the rental property cleaner.

Searching for an Airbnb cleaning service? Queen Bee Cleaning Services in Seattle provides high-quality house and Airbnb cleaning services. Contact us today!

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