The Benefits of Getting Your Office Professionally Cleaned

A sparkly clean workplace keeps your stakeholders, employees, clients, and guests healthy and productive. Developing a detailed, regular cleaning schedule for your office is an excellent addition to your maintenance checklist. 

This frequency of professional cleaning will depend on a few factors. You have come across the perfect article as we will discuss the different aspects that will decide your cleaning schedule and the benefits of having one.

How Often Should Your Office Be Professionally Cleaned?

  • Number of Employees

The more employees you have, the more it makes sense to have a weekly cleaning schedule for your floors and carpets. More foot traffic brings in more dirt and dust into the premises, so make sure to address this with regular sanitation practices.

  • Size of the Office Space

The overall size of your workplace will also affect any cleaning decision you make. Regardless of the number of your employees, having a relatively large office space will make it necessary to have a regular cleaning schedule in place. 

  • Frequency of Customer Visits

If you have stakeholders regularly visiting your office, restroom cleaning should be done more than once each day to keep your guests satisfied and comfortable. Other areas that should be kept squeaky clean include high-traffic areas such as lobbies, lounges, and so on.

  • Shared Office Spaces

If you are sharing the premises with another company, conside r the type of work they do. Medical facilities and childcare centers quickly catch germs and viruses, so you must sanitize your spaces at all times to keep patients and children from getting sick. 

What Are the Benefits of a Regular Commercial Cleaning Schedule?

  • Leaves a Great First Impression on Visitors

When your office is neat and clean, guests know that your business values productivity and health. This lets you earn their trust and encourages them to do business with you. 

  • Prevents the Spread of Diseases

An unkempt and dirty office can breed bacteria, viruses, and parasites that lead to various illnesses. By paying attention to the cleanliness of your workplace, you are also saving your employees from potential diseases that can take away their productivity and creativity. 

  • Makes Carpets and Floors Last Longer

Regular professional cleaning prevents stains from staying longer on your carpets and floors. Keeping their fresh condition helps them last longer and lets you save money on avoidable expenses. 

  • Retains Employees

If you are a company that values the health of your workers, they will have no difficulty trusting you to take care of them for a long time. Your employees are a great contributor to the growth of your enterprise, so make sure to give importance to keeping their bodies and minds in the best condition. 

A survey in the tech industry even showed that 93 percent of workers would stay with a company that maintains a healthy and clean office space.

  • Saves Your Time

A regular cleaning schedule will help you save time from booking separate sessions in the future. You can focus precious time on other aspects of building your business by employing a regular cleaning service ahead of time.


To achieve a neat, infection-free space for your business, hire a cleaning company that shares your commitment to cleanliness. They are a significant investment in handling a continuously growing business. 

If you are in need of professional cleaning services for your workplace, turn to Queen Bee Cleaning Services. We perform house cleaning, deep cleaning, office cleaning, and other procedures for clients in Seattle, WA. Get a quote today!

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