5 Sources of Dust in Households and How to Get Rid of Them

Dust builds up in homes more than any allergen possible. As someone staying indoors, it’s easy to catch allergies due to their existence. But if you’re lucky you don’t catch colds or coughs because of dust, you might still be risking yourself and your health. 

Dust accumulation depends on several factors, including the location of your house, the season, and the number of people living in the same household. The amount of times you clean the house also plays a massive role in how much dust exists indoors. 

But where does dust come from? Here are some of the leading sources of dust and how to get rid of them.

  1. Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic pests producing some of the most common allergens in a household. They can trigger allergic reactions in humans, existing in beddings, mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, and curtains. Although they live more in damp and humid environments, dust mites can also exist in other settings.

The most effective way to get rid of dust mites is by reducing your home’s humidity. All houses should be below 50 percent humidity, where air conditioners and dehumidifiers can help in the process. However, if you don’t have the necessary appliances, make sure to open up the windows during dry days to eliminate as much moisture as possible in your area.

  1. Pollen and Soil

Pollen is a well-known allergen originating from plants. They come in contact with humans outdoors and invade the indoors by sticking to clothes, shoes, and hair. As people move around their homes, they run the risk of spreading pollen everywhere. The same goes for soil, where you can bring it in through outdoor shoes you wear indoors.

The best way to mitigate the spread of pollen and soil is by vacuuming the house at least once or twice a week. It’s also practical to sweep the floors now and then to keep the particles out and throw them outdoors. However, the proper method to prevent their entry into the house is by keeping outdoor shoes outside.

  1. Food Particles

Although most people enjoy having their meals in front of the television during the weekend, it’s good to take note that food debris like crumbs and small pieces of food falling on the floor can become parts of dust in the future.

Even if many people sweep their floors right after eating, some still forget to clean up. Just remember that leaving food scraps or debris uncleaned will add up to the dust that’s collecting in your house. If possible, keep a vacuum cleaner or a broom handy in case you’re about to feast somewhere else aside from the kitchen.

  1. Pet Dander

Animal shedding is another component of dust. Aside from being an allergen to humans, it is also a way for dust to accumulate and build up in a house. 

Although pet dander isn’t precisely becoming part of the dust, it allows dust to get into spaces where it can get stuck, making the cleaning process more challenging than usual. The appropriate solution is to groom pets outdoors to prevent their sheddings from staying indoors.

  1. Dead Skin

Contrary to popular belief, dead skin isn’t the only component of dust. However, it does make up for a significant percentage of it. 

There isn’t an exact way to get rid of it or keep it out as people inhabit houses. But it’s better to bring out the handy vacuum cleaner so it can suck all the dust buildup away.


Dust will always be present in every household. However, understanding its components can help homeowners do their all to keep it away. So long as people try to keep dust’s components at bay, there will be less of the allergen in every home in the future.

If you’re looking for cleaning services near you, Queen Bee Cleaning Services is Seattle’s top house and Airbnb cleaning service in the area. Aside from keeping dust out of the house, we also offer extensive cleaning solutions like deep cleaning and home cleaning services for people wanting to experience the best cleanliness possible. Visit our website and get a quote today!

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