5 Essential Move-Out Clean Checklist

After selling your present home, you will either buy a new one or move in with family or friends. That is all there is to it. What would you think if you were to move into a filthy new flat? Not unusual from my perspective!

If the new homeowners clean up before they leave, they can avoid embarrassment and have a spotless home to begin their new lives in.

The cleaning checklist has been condensed into a list of 5 definite “Must Dos” that you must complete before leaving your home. Let’s keep going.

Clean The Kitchen

The kitchen is perhaps the hardest room in the house to clean, so it makes sense to start there.

Remove any excessive items from all cabinets before beginning the easier tasks. Make sure to scrub them down completely on the interior and outside, and remove any stains that could be there.

After that, you might start cleaning your appliances underneath and behind them. Give any built-in appliances or equipment you’re leaving behind, like a freezer, oven, or dishwasher, a full deep cleaning to remove any accumulated dirt and hide it.

Next, clean any minor fixtures that may require cleanings, such as countertops, baseboards, and other items. The floor should be given one final sweep after being thoroughly mopped.

Arrange the Living Areas

Since most people spend most of their time in living rooms, keeping them clean can be difficult. Clean your carpet properly after moving your furniture. If there are any stains you cannot remove on your own, you might want to consider contacting a professional cleaning service in Seattle.

Make sure to give any shelves, cabinets, fireplaces, and stands a thorough cleaning before washing them down.

Completely Clean The Bathroom

The main bathroom fixtures that need cleaning are the shower, bathtub, sinks, and toilet.

If you’ve been routinely cleaning your bathroom ever since you’ve owned your home, this shouldn’t take very long.

To prevent mold and limescale buildup, clean metallic surfaces like taps and showers properly.

Last but not least, look for plug holes in your sink and bathtub. Check to see if the water is moving freely. If there are issues, you might need to get your drains cleaned.

Think About The Garden

Because they believe the garden is something that only exists “outside” of their homes and is less significant, many people typically ignore it.

If you have a shed, try to get any trash out before leaving. Make every effort to leave things in the finest condition possible.

Particularly tall garden plants should be pruned. Clean up unneeded messes, then mow the lawn to make it seem fantastic.

Check Additional Areas That Need Upkeep

Additionally, it would help if you cleaned the following spaces in your home:

Include all your storage areas, including any stairwells, corridors, patios, windows, doors, and window sills (indoor and outdoor).


Considering there’s a lot to do and you’re already caught up with the whole moving-out process, it’s best to hire a move-out cleaning company in Seattle for their services instead. There are many reasons to hire move-out cleaning services. For one, cleaning your home before moving out can be stressful and time-consuming. In addition, a professional cleaning service will do a thorough job, ensuring that your home is clean and presentable for the next tenants. Finally, hiring a move-out cleaning service can be more cost-effective than trying to clean the home yourself.

Excellent move-out cleaning services are offered in Seattle by Queen Bee Cleaning Services. We will take care of all the criteria to have your house ready to sell, even if this is your final visit before you list your house for sale. For a stress-free move-out cleaning, give us a call right away!

Bumble Bee Cleaning Services